Do you qualify for 50% off the list price of a hom

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Real Estate

Law enforcement officers, teachers (pre-Kindergarten through 12th grade) firefighters and emergency medical technicians can contribute to community revitalization while becoming homeowners through HUD's Good Neighbor Next Door Sales Program. HUD offers a substantial incentive in the form of a discount of 50% from the list price of the home. In return, an eligible buyer must commit to live in the property for 36 months as his/her principal residence.


The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) wants to make American communities stronger and to build a safer nation. The Good Neighbor Next Door (GNND) program helps make this goal a reality by encouraging law enforcement officers, pre-K through 12th grade teachers and firefighters/emergency medical technicians to become homeowners in revitalization areas.

Who Can Participate?
Law Enforcement
A person qualifies as a law enforcement officer for the purposes of the GNND Sales Program if the person is:

Employed full-time by a law enforcement agency of the federal government, a state, a unit of general local government, or an Indian tribal government;
In carrying out such full-time employment, the person is sworn to uphold, and make arrests for violations of, federal, state, tribal, county, township, or municipal laws and
The full-time employment in paragraph (a) of this section must, in the normal course of business, directly serve the locality in which the home is located.

A person qualifies as a teacher for the purposes of the GNND Sales Program if the person is:

Employed as a full-time teacher by a state-accredited public school or private school that provides direct services to students in grades pre-kindergarten through 12; and
The full-time employment in paragraph (a) of this section must, in the normal course of business, serve students from the locality where the home is located.

Firefighter or Emergency Medical Technicians
A person qualifies as a firefighter/emergency medical technician for the purposes of the GNND Sales Program if the person is:

Employed full-time as a firefighter or emergency medical technician by a fire department or emergency medical services responder unit of the Federal Government, a State, unit of general local government, or an Indian tribal government; and
The full-time employment in paragraph (a) of this section must, in the normal course of business, directly serve the locality where the home is located.